What is the most valuable video with maximum ROI | Q and A Video

What is the most valuable video with maximum ROI

Here are the four questions that Marcus Seeger answered in the very first live Q and A session.
1. I am a small business owner and would like to do my first video – what is the single most important video I can get made for the maximum ROI?

2. I would like to record customer testimonials myself whilst out on a job – what is the best way to do this?

3. I am a small business owner and don’t watch videos – I prefer to read. Why should I use video on my website?

4. (Live Question from TopLock Locksmiths) “Is it hard to put up a link on your videos to your website?”

Here is the link to David Watson, Social Media Guru at Strategy Point http://strategypoint.com.au

We hope you enjoy this Q and A, especially the key question of video with maximum ROI.

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