How does Video and Social Media work together? | Q and A

How does video and social media work together? | Q and A Video Marketing

Welcome to the Q and A Session #11 16 June 2014.

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Hello and welcome. My name is Marcus Seeger and I’m the owner and Video Profit Strategist at Video Experts. Welcome to Session #11 of our weekly Q and A. So this week’s question is:


How does video and social media work together?


Now obviously social media has grown rapidly over the last decade or so and as we see video growing as well, there is a definite connection. In fact I’m going to reference a report written by David Daniels from The Relevancy Group in the U.S. which is a research based company, and I’m going to put the link here so you can download this paper which is titled The ROI of Video in E-mail Marketing and there’s two statistics that The Relevancy Group have pinpointed here that I’m going to share and discuss.


ROI of video marketing_video and social media

So the first one is – this is from 2013:

700 YouTube video links are shared on Twitter every minute.

So that I’m sure is even more now in 2014, but when the report was written that’s 700 video links shared every minute on Twitter and this is the thing about video that makes it so exciting to work with in the world of social media is that it is sharable. Users are always looking for content that they can relate to and then share with their colleagues and friends and followers, and video is a fantastic medium for sharing. Obviously photography is as well and infographics for example are another great use of sharing content, but video is the absolute king of sharability.

So that’s an amazing statistic that I’d like you to just keep in mind when you’re looking at your Twitter campaigns and your strategy for Twitter is how you can incorporate video into your marketing and make it particularly sharable through social media, and typically sharable videos on Twitter are typically fairly short and to the point and interesting and have a story so there’s some key elements there that make up a successful video that can be shared, and that is not always the case across other mediums.

So the second point here I’m just going to mention is, and this is pretty crazy but:

500 years of YouTube videos are watched on Facebook every day.

And again this is from 2013 from David Daniels, The Relevancy Group, so 500 years of YouTube videos are watched on Facebook every day. There is a strong connection between Facebook users sharing YouTube videos within Facebook. Even though there is the option to upload videos directly to Facebook, most of the videos that are watched on Facebook are YouTube videos.

So again this is another example of video being the prime content that is shared through the social media landscape, and both Twitter and Facebook are the leaders in this field.

Of course we have other actual social video sharing sites such as Vine and Instagram’s ability to create video as well, so there is a growing trend as we progress in the social media, as it advances, that video is being used more and more to share ideas, to share stories, to communicate with others very, very easily and very effectively through social media.

So really, that’s all I’m going to touch on today, it’s a shorter Q and A, we’re just focusing on that particular topic today, so I hope you found it interesting. I’d love to hear your comments and any questions that you might have regarding social media and video in particular within social media.

So thanks very much for watching, you’ve been listening to Marcus Seeger, I’m the owner and Video Profit Strategist here at Video Experts. You can certainly subscribe or sign up for more information if you felt that this has been an interesting video for you, and share it if you would like others to learn from this as well. So just a reminder that these Q and A’s are every Friday, sorry every Monday, excuse me, every Monday at 12.00noon AEST, I hope you can join me next time.

Thanks for watching, bye for now!

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