Safety Video Training

We understand the importance of your staff staying safe whilst at work. Corporate governance and duty of care require that you take work safety seriously, which of course you do. Not because you must but because you genuinely care about your team going home at the end of the day in the same shape they arrived at work in – no missing fingers, broken bones, cuts, hearing damage etc.

You do everything you can to avoid serious injuries or even a fatality. You are committed to identifying hazards and minimizing risks. And so are we.

Here is a short video reel of a selection of recent safety video training that we have produced.

At Video Experts, we use video as a tool to clearly communicate your safety message. Video is extremely successful for several reasons:

• Consistent message that is repeatable across multiple sites.
• Audio and Visual learning reinforces a message that could be
ignored if presented only in written form.
• Engages staff on a potentially boring (but important) topic
• Can be used to compliment other learning systems such as
hands on.
• Integrates seamlessly into your LMS.
• Clearly demonstrates that your company takes safety seriously
• Has an emotional impact which helps the safety message to
“sink in” and be remembered when it counts.

WorkSafe Western Australia has created a number of safety video training modules which can be viewed online.

Safety Video Training

Here are just some of the topics we have created custom safety videos for:

• Manual Handling
• Forklift Safety
• Operating Equipment & Machinery
• Hazard Identification
• Minimising Risks
• Safety Reporting
• Evacuations
• Sun Smart
• Hygiene
• Driver Safety
• Traffic Management
• Pedestrian Safety
• Working at Heights
• Staff Safety Induction
• Visitor Safety Induction

As you can see, there is a wide range of safety video training solutions to many common safety topics.

For more information, and an opportunity to discuss your safety training needs with an expert, please visit fill out the form below or call 1300 070 313

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